Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 83
A. Margaret 'Stormy' Bok materials
Abram Chasins oral history collection
This collection contains (7) 7" reel-to-reel tapes and transcriptions of interviews with Chasins about his career and work as director of the WQXR radio station. The interviews were conducted by student Joshua Livingston as part of an oral history program at MIT.
Anna Moffo collection
Anthony di Bonaventura papers (MSS 64)
The di Bonaventura papers span his performances as a child through to his work as a professor of piano.
The collection includes correspondence, contracts, publicity materials, programs, reviews, and promotional photographs.
Arthur Bennett Lipkin collection (MSS 34)
The collection includes correspondence, programs, photographs, and miscellaneous clippings and memorabilia
Artifact collection
The Artifact collection contains objects and memorabilia relating to the history of the Curtis Institute of Music or members of the faculty and alumni, including materials that used to adorn the building.
Artwork and sculpture
Audio and Video collection
The Audio and Video collection contains recordings of both internally and externally produced media related to the institution, its alumni, and faculty. Materials include Curtis events, faculty and alumni projects, oral histories, recordings of Curtis outreach performances, press materials, and internally-conducted meetings. Additionally, the AV collection holds preservation masters of born-digital student recitals. Student performances may be restricted as per privacy and copyright laws.
Boris Sokoloff autograph collection
The collection contains musicians' autographs collected by Sokoloff during his career.
Carolyn Stanford Adams collection of Mary Curtis Zimbalist letters
The collection contains letters from Mary Louise Curtis Zimbalist to Carolyn Stanford Adams.